Security: Code Injection 101

One of the junior wizards on Astaria suggested yesterday that I should write an article about why the old housing system was removed, and what’s been done to fix it — always a hot topic.  I started to demur, since there’s a lot of complex technical issues involved that not a lot of people seem to be aware of, but then it occurred to me that some of these are fascinating topics in their own right.

So, courtesy of Clovis, today’s post is about security: specifically, basic fundamentals of code injection attacks. Continue reading

Idea report

I received a mail ingame recently posing the following question concerning the feathered cape that one can purchase from the Snipe Hunter as a reward for a number of tokens:

I saw that the cape isn’t autoloading or pvaultable. That’s a lot of points to dole out for something that won’t last more than a boot…. Not to mention how hard it can be to find a hunter sometimes you don’t catch up with one until a couple days before a boot. Any thoughts on changing it?

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